WAR BETWEEN TWO GERMAN OGRES: You know who's going to win right?

The air stinks of something I cannot imagine, only for a bird to whisper to me that the stink is the signature of two ogres preparing for a fight that the world will never forget in a jiffy. The bird said that these two giants share some things in common which is: the thirst to win. So I presume, the fight should be very arduous.

These two giants have been on each other necks for a very long time now. So tonight, we match on to Wembley to witness the clash of the two ogres of German football.

The stage is set as the world awaits the battle between these two ogres.
The Great Wembley

*  Will Bayern Munich at last lift the trophy this time to compensate for their loss in the UEFA Championship final against Chelsea last year? 
*      Will Borussia Dortmund allow their German counterpart to best them in tonight’s game as they did in the league?

WAR BETWEEN TWO GERMAN OGRES: You know who's going to win right? WAR BETWEEN TWO GERMAN OGRES: You know who's going to win right? Reviewed by Unknown on 15:00 Rating: 5


  1. Bayern is gonna win this match in a ruthless manner !!!!!!

  2. I believe Bayern would win the game in a tightly contested match up. But a match between rivals always has some sort of surprise. 70% - 30% in bayerns favor.

    1. You are quite right there Drey, this isn't going to be easy for Bayern Munich

  3. Professor Adebayo25 May 2013 at 16:20

    I think a lot of people fail to understand that this game and it's eventuality in results is dependent on a lot more asides on-pitch tactics or player quality. The passion of the fans, the mind tactics, the desire of the players and the pressure of the situation. When all these other factors are considered, it's extremely difficult to see beyond Kloppo and his fantastic youthful bunch lifting this trophy. It's going to be a tight game, but that extra bit of passion, drive and desire would earn Dortmund the victory they deserve. #EchteLiebe #BVB #Champions

  4. People are forgetting d fact dat dortmund got 2 where they R right nw cause of their team work nt individuality...and they av survived the so-called big teams with great support coming from their supporters too, I believe dis contest gonna be tight but dortmund will eventually lift the trophy.

  5. I think the people supporting Dortmund are the people who were victims of Bayern's flawless victories


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