Great work by Bayern Munich. They deserved it afterall… I cannot but agree with Mike Norton who said “Fall. Stand. Learn. Adapt.” I think Bayern has followed these four steps in the past three years of defeat and it has resulted to a 2 - 1 win over Dortmund tonight.

But if Ribery had gotten that red card for that foul he committed, do you still think Bayern would have won?

Its football sermons brothers!!!! Drop your verses.. Let's know what you think about the

AT LAST THE VICTORY! AT LAST THE VICTORY! Reviewed by Unknown on 00:10 Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. My point exactly. Final or not, what Ribery did there was a foul. There's no place in the Fifa rules that says a player should be pardoned if its a final. What ribery did there deserved a red card and I think if the ref had done his job,the game would have been different...not sayin Dortmund would have won but it would have been different


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