Mario: The Man of War Now Defeated

Do you know why this pix is kinda amazing? What?! You don't know? Alright, let me tell you.
First of all, the fact that Mario is really smiling and i mean sincerely smiling is something we can live to remember that this man at least has something that makes him happy...

Secondly, is that a camo (camouflage clothes or material used by military personnel) on Mario. You see that explains it all. I mean, his attitude and outrageous actions on the pitch. This man, really, is a man of War.

But in this case, in the pix above, it is vivid that this military and also football personnel has been utterly defeated by the beauty in front of him. 

At least, we know his weak point now. It is now left for any team playing against this young man to find a damsel and put right where this man can see

Mario: The Man of War Now Defeated Mario: The Man of War Now Defeated Reviewed by Unknown on 23:23 Rating: 5


  1. LMAO!!!! U mean every team should hire a delilah to cut samson's hair?

  2. Yeah! Tony, I think it would definitely be a wise


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